Horse Riding Safety


THere are a lot of people who have never had a real opportunity to get close to a horse never mind the pleasure of riding one. When they do get this chance they are so excited and sometimes nervous about this that they don’t pay attention to the safety requirements.

Depending on the circumstances there are horse riding rules and regulations that may have to be followed. For example. many riders enjoy riding horses on public roads. In this case there are rules for both the rider and the driver of vehicles that come in close proximity of the horse and rider.

Before even getting on any horse to ride the rider has to be familiar with being around these animals. While they are generally good natured some can be high strung and hard to handle even from the ground. Approaching the horse so the horse can see you coming means there are no surprises. It is not a wise idea to approach from the back as the horse could get startled and kick out causing injury to the person.

Making sure that all of the safety precautions are put in place when tacking up the horse for riding is also important. The gear must fit properly so it doesn’t cause any discomfort for the horse. Otherwise the horse could end up bolting because of the discomfort and cause injury to themselves or the rider.

For trail riding which is the most common form of riding for those riding for leisure there are additional rules that need to be followed. The first one is always to allow enough spaces between the horses especially when one is following the other. Some horses don’t like to be followed too closely and they will kick out. This could cause injury to both horses and both riders.

If a horse is becoming difficult to handle during a riding venture, then the rider should dismount until they can get the horse under control from the ground.

New riders should not run the horse until they have become totally familiar with the basics of horse back riding. If they are not confident at controlling the horse at a walk or jog then a run will be all the more difficult and potentially dangerous.
