Riding Tips For Beginners

Anyone learning to ride a horse will probably find it a bit daunting, particularly if they are not used to being around horses. Here are a few tips that will help you to get through those first few lessons.

Choose an experienced instructor

There are many riding instructors available but it is important to find one that has a lot of experience in teaching beginners. Most will let you go along to observe lessons and this will also give you the chance to look at the stables and the horses. A place with a warm and welcoming atmosphere makes a better environment for you to learn in.

Learn safety

It is important that you are aware of the safety aspect of riding horses and while your instructor will give you plenty of help with regard to safety, there are a few things that you need to keep in mind. Horses are large creatures and it is important to be aware of your own personal space. Make sure your feet do not go anywhere near their hooves. Make sure that the horses are aware of your presence and you do not spook them.

Time at the stables

Spending time at a stables means that you gain more experience with the horses. Even if you can only volunteer to help to muck out the stables for a few hours a week. You will be spending time with experienced people and will be able to learn a great deal from them.

They will be able to advise you on the best paths to take when you do venture away from the stables on your horse. Most stables are located in the countryside so there are plenty of paths that you can follow. Not only is it a great way to build up your riding experience you will be getting close to nature. Find out more about your surroundings by using Getplanta.com to identify some of the plants and trees that you will see along the way. Finding out more about local flora and fauna will help you to feel more familiar with your surroundings. The countryside is filled with amazing plant life and you may even be able to spot one or two rare species among the more common varieties. Just remember that rare plants should not be disturbed.

Look after your tack

At most stables, you will be expected to groom and tack the horse as part of your lesson once you have been shown how. Get into the habit of double-checking everything so that you know when everything is just right. If there is anything you are unsure of, make sure you ask someone rather than just guess.
